Get to know us
In 2019, CAN was established as a grassroots organization working to support village governments in protecting forests and other important areas within their villages. Over time, CAN recognized the importance of expanding this conservation model by involving multiple villages and various other stakeholders. As a result, a landscape-scale project was developed, involving communities, governments, companies, and NGOs. As the initiative progressed, CAN identified the need to care for numerous wildlife species requiring special attention due to conflicts. Therefore, CAN established a wildlife rescue center to support the government in rehabilitating and releasing these animals back into their natural habitats.

People and culture
Initially, CAN was founded by Paulinus Kristianto and supported by Susilawati, and Parsianus Idam. Along the way, they were later supported by Tio Koshasi, Bayu Sandi, and dozens of other staff members, enabling the organization to grow into a strong and impactful force for large-scale conservation efforts in Kalimantan.

Human Resources Development

Bayu Sandi
Parsianus Idam
head of forest ranger

Tio Koshasi
Habitat Campigner